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5 Steps To Beauty

Clydabelle logo with large bright red lips and it says love y'all
Clydabelle wearing very large butterfly wings sunglasses



Ready to sprinkle some glitter and giggles into your beauty routine. Buckle up, because these tips are as unconventional as they are fabulous. Prepare to laugh and look younger!


Clydabelle with  a filter on with pink curlers in her hair
Clydabelle wearing a large wide brimmed hat with cream and brown stripes and sunglasses

5 Step Guide To Beauty


Embrace The Power Of Moisture


Say Goodbye To Dull Skin With Regular Exfoliation


Go Bold With Your Brows


Endulge In Regular Facials


Rock Your Makeup With Confidence

Embrace The Power Of Moisture


Why spend a fortune on fancy creams when you can harness the power of nature? Grab a few garden snails and let them crawl all over your face. Their slime is nature's best-kept secret for youthful skin. Plus, it's a great conversation starter at parties!


​Say Goodbye To Dull Skin With Regular Exfoliation


Diy Peach Pit Scrub

Forget expensive exfoliators - recycle your morning breakfast peach pits. So to start, you must enthusiastically  rub the peach pits all over your face. It's like nature's very own sandpaper! 

I promise the gritty texture will leave your skin peachy smooth. You will end up looking like a blushing peach by the end of it!

Remember my friends, beauty is pain!


Go Bold With Your Brows

Peaches The Parrot Plucking Power

Why go through the pain of waxing or tweezing when you have Peaches? My well-trained parrot, Peaches, delicately plucks those pesky chin hairs with her beak. It's like having your own personal grooming assistant! Plus, Peaches loves the attention and praises herself with every pluck.

image woamn and parrot.jpg

Endulge In Regular Facials

Avocado Mask Madness

Who needs a fancy spa mask when you have avocados? And not just the inside but once again we use the pit as well. Smash a ripe avocado on your face and let it sit while you  binge-watch your favorite show. Then take the pit and rub your entire face with it . Get it in all those wrinkles. It's messy, green and absolutely hilarious when you catch your reflection. Bonus: you can snack on it if you get  hungry! 


Rock Your Makeup With Confidence

Duct Tape Facelift

Feeling a bit saggy? No Problem! A bit of duct tape can work wonders. Just pull your skin back and tape it behind your ears for an instant facelift. Sure it's not the most comfortable but who cares when you look this good? Just remember to remove it before bed to avoid any midnight emergencies.


Love Y'all

Remember, my friends, these tips are as real as unicorns and calorie-free cupcakes - pure fun and fantasy! So, don't try this at home... unless you want a agood laugh!

A lilac coloured unicorn with soft pastel pink, yellow and green stripes on it's mane.
Clydabelle logo with large bright red lips and it say love y'all.
A cream frosted cupcake on an aqua coloured background
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